If you aren't a sit on the beach person but love the Salt Life lifestyle, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the sun and surf. Book a fishing charter, rent a jet ski, or just take a sunset cruise on the gulf.
Water Activites
No place to be other than by the sea!

Boat Tours
- Boat Naples Boat Charters – https://boatnaples.com/
- Sweet Liberty – https://www.sweetliberty.com/
- Naples Princess – https://www.naplesprincesscruises.com/
- Pure Florida – https://www.purefl.com/

Fishing Charters
- Salty Dog Charters with Captain Joel – http://saltydogchartersfl.com/
- Offshore Naples with Captain Bill - https://www.offshorenaples.com/
- Tide Rider Charters with Captain Dave - https://www.tideridercharters.com/
- On a Mission Fishing Charters - https://www.naplesoffshorefishingcharters.com/

Boat Rentals
- Naples Bay Resort Boat Rentals –https://www.nbrboatrental.com/
- Bayfront Rentals – https://www.bayfrontrentalsnaples.com/
- Park Shore Marina - https://naplesflboatrentals.com/

Jet Ski Rentals
- Pure Florida - https://www.purefl.com/
- Bonita Jet Ski & Parasail – https://bonitajetski.com

General Water Fun
- All Water Excursions – https://allwaterexcursions.com
- Sun-N-Fun Lagoon - https://www.napleswaterpark.com